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Figure 1: Presentation |
Grasp the subject, the words will follow.
Presentations skills and public speaking skills are very useful in many aspects of work and life. Effective presentations and public speaking skills are important in business, sales and selling, training, teaching, lecturing and generally entertaining an audience. Developing the confidence and capability to give good presentations, and to stand up in front of an audience and speak well, are also extremely helpful competencies for self development too. Presentations and public speaking skills are not limited to certain special people anyone can give a good presentation, or perform public speaking to a professional and impressive standard. Like most things, it simply takes a little preparation and practice.
Learning from Class:
Today the lecture was purely based on Presentation Skills. Lecturer started the lecture my showing a quote in the slide as,
"Your brain starts working the moment you are born, and never stops until you stand up to speak in public"
The above quote phrases the frighten people normally get in a scenario of public speaking for larger audience. And lecturer stated public speaking is considered to be one of the biggest fears humans can have. After that lecturer discussed about types of presentations by specifying main two categories. They are,
- Formal Presentations
- Informal Presentation
Lecturer stated that presentations mostly used in,
- Lectures
- Academic Conferences
- Business Presentations - Pitching a product or an idea
- Project Presentations
After that lecturer made an important statement which is that a presentation does not always requires presentation slides, presenter can use visual aids or verbal skills to acknowledge the target audience.
Lecturer mentioned that as academic students need to face a project colloquium which need to be presented by students that considered to be the most important as well as an essential fulfillment for their final year project requirements.
Then lecturer said, ways to make a good first impression by stating below mention artifacts which results presenter to convince the audience at a glance.
- Gather thoughts and ideas - Take some time to think what need to present does not requires to rush into the topic straightly
- Don't just read the paragraphs of the presentation paper just add your thoughts into it by giving example where it necessary
- Maintain good eye contact
- Control the voice - Basically control the pitch and the tone level
- Pause for while between topics since it helps to arrange the next topic details and allow the audience to understand what is been specified and conceptualize.
- Don't speak too fast audience unable to read the presenter
- Act naturally throughout the presentation
- Avoid items and topics that are not directly part of the speech since its distract the flow of presentation
- Before finishing the presentation summarize the main points have been discussed, this enables audience to recap the content.
Then the lecturer drove the lecture to subject matters which describes thing to do when preparing presentation materials. They are,
Brief - Comprise the content of the slides that enables audience to read easily
Perceive - Make the content interesting to the audience
Effective - Make the content value to the audience that enables them to gain something from it
After specifying above characteristic lecturer discussed how to open a presentation basically the method to present the presentation in appropriate flow. Under that lecturer said just starts with a subject matter, some may not attracted to the presentation. To overcome the above problem presenter can use following techniques,
Present a joke
Prescribing facts - Explain a scenario
Starts with a story
Ask a question
Starts with a quote
Conduct a demonstration that align to the topic to be discussed
Showing a picture or a video to make the interest
After discussing above facts lecturer stated presenter should prepare a logical structure of the talk by focusing on areas such as,
- Opening (Introduction and Content)
- Presentation body
- Conclusion
- Follow ups
- Be familiar with presentation materials - Add new ideas to the content and use cue cards where it applicable
- Oral Communication - Do rehearse and practice regarding on the presentation to be done
And then lecture mentioned key factors to be consider based on the presenter's role as in speaker and information delivery perspective,
As a speaker -
Know your audience - Identify the knowledge level of the audience
Professional attire - Consideration on speakers attire
Confidence - Believe in what you have done and talk on that. Make the audience feel that you know what presenting.
Body language and Gesture - Use of non verbal communication where it necessary and appropriate
Avoid jokes - Use appropriate jokes depend on the audience background level
Stick to the Time - Utilize the time available for convey the important contents in the presentation to audience
When Delivering a presentation -
Speak Clearly - Speak in a way that audience can understand
Don't rush or Don't talk deliberately slow - Talk in moderation speed
Have some variety of the content and presentation - Otherwise audience will get bored
Based on the topic deliver topic
Don't fix on an individual - Make eye contact but as in general
Leave time for discussion - Enable audience to present their questions
Lecturer concluded the lecture by reading out a quote that stated as "You'll never get a second chance, until you make a first impression".
Reality of the Lecture:
From this lecture I understood that I need to improve my presentation skills in a way that enables to effectively convey the expected information to target audience. During my earlier academic presentations many lecturers informed me that I talk too fast during the presentation that results in some understandability issues for them. According to the theory discussed in the today's lecture I understood the root cause for this is nervousness and the restriction of the time. In future I'll try to prepare my upcoming presentation well where that I can control those two aspects favorable on my way that resulting a quality presentation that the audience seeking form a academic student. Since the the topic explained all the consequences of quality presentation as a student by focusing on each aspect thoroughly I'll be befit through out my life time since my career would be any how revolves around in business environment.
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